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New Moon in Virgo: A Time of Grounded Beginnings

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As we step into the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd/3rd, 2024, we enter a phase of the lunar cycle that invites us to embrace practical new beginnings and a grounded approach to self-improvement. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, brings a focus on detail, organization, health, and service. This New Moon sets the stage for the upcoming lunar cycle, offering a fertile ground for planting seeds of intention that are practical and attainable. Over the last few months, we’ve been navigating significant transformational changes and timeline shifts, both personally and collectively. Now, under the meticulous influence of Virgo, these transformations are beginning to manifest in tangible ways, guiding us toward a more refined and organized approach to our evolving reality.

Planetary Alignments

During this New Moon, both the Sun and Moon are in Virgo, amplifying the energy of this sign and encouraging us to focus on the details of our lives that need attention. Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet, has recently ended its retrograde on August 28th, but we are still feeling its post-retrograde shadow. This lingering energy encourages us to continue reflecting on our communication, thought patterns, and organizational habits. Additionally, Uranus entered retrograde on September 1st, joining Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, and Chiron, which are already in retrograde. These retrograde energies invite deep introspection and reassessment, particularly in areas related to personal freedom, spiritual growth, power dynamics, discipline, and healing. The combined influence of these retrogrades during the Virgo New Moon suggests a period where we are encouraged to take a step back, evaluate our progress, and make practical adjustments to align with the changes we’ve been experiencing.

What To Expect 

Balancing of Karma

After the Lions Gate portal on August 8th, significant shifts have been occurring, and the numerological significance of the number 8, often associated with the infinity symbol, plays a crucial role this year, 2024, which is also a year of numerology 8. This period marks a profound time for the balancing of karma. Throughout this year, we’ve collectively and individually undergone intense transformations, and the last few months have brought multiple shifts in our personal lives and broader realities. As we move through Virgo season, we will start to see how this balancing of karma unfolds. Karma, often perceived as negative, can also manifest positively, depending on the karmic cycles we are engaged in. This New Moon sets the stage not just for the current lunar cycle, but also for the upcoming season, revealing how karmic debts and rewards will come into play. The retrograde energies enhance this process by urging us to revisit and rectify past actions, allowing for a more balanced and just outcome.

Internal Revolution

The New Moon in Virgo, coupled with the ongoing retrogrades, creates a potent environment for internal revolution. As we continue to navigate the collective and personal transformations that have defined this year, this lunar phase encourages us to turn inward and reflect on the changes we’ve experienced. The retrograde planets push us to confront the deeper aspects of our psyche, urging us to release old patterns, heal unresolved wounds, and embrace new ways of thinking and being. This internal revolution is not just about changing external circumstances, but about fundamentally altering our internal landscape. It’s a time to align our inner world with the outer changes we’ve been experiencing, fostering a sense of harmony and coherence within ourselves as we move forward.

Transformation Through Small Steps

As we embark on this new lunar cycle under the Virgo New Moon, we are reminded of the power of small steps in the process of transformation. Virgo’s energy teaches us that significant progress is often made through consistent, incremental actions rather than grand gestures. This lunar cycle encourages us to focus on the small, practical steps that can lead to substantial change over time. Even if we are not yet where we want to be, it’s essential to embrace and be proud of the progress we’ve made. The combined influence of the New Moon and the retrograde energies helps us appreciate the present moment, encouraging us to continue moving forward with patience and perseverance. Whether in personal development, career advancements, or relationships, this period reminds us that every small step counts and contributes to the larger journey of transformation.

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