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Blue Full Moon In Aquarius

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This upcoming full moon is the second full moon in Aquarius and lands on August 22 2021. This Aquarius full moon is a sturgeon blue moon. Blue Moons  happen in two different ways. They can happen seasonal, which is when the 3rd full moon is blue when there are four full moons in a season – which is what’s happening now –  or it occurs when there is a second full moon in a month- hence once in a blue moon saying. Since this is the second full moon in Aquarius during this leo season, the energy is heightened. Full moons tend to be a cosmic spotlight that illuminates what has and hasn’t been working for us. This Aquarian energy brings change and progression while the Leo energy brings intensive individualistic and determinacy. Pay attention to your feelings with this fiery energy Leo season brings, don’t let them overpower you. Use this time to connect with the full moon, connect with power it radiates, let the energy run through you and charge you. You can feel it, you can see it. The frequency of earth is rising because more people are waking up, time is going by faster. We are becoming one, we are creating this energy.

Planetary Alignments 

The sun is at 29° Leo and the moon is at 29° Aquarius. With the sun and moon in opposition as they are every full moon this brings very high energy in the last half of Leo season. Uranus went into retrograde on August 19th, making six planets in retrograde; Jupiter,  Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and now Uranus. This saturnian energy revolves around restriction and responsibility. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius; Capricorn represents more of a feminine energy which is concern about fear and security. Whereas Aquarius represents more of a masculine energy which puts emphasis on building and movement. With Jupiter being in retrograde and also in the sign of Aquarius brings an optimal time for expansion and growth. Uranus is now in retrograde- which is the planet of innovation, progress and expansion. Alongside it being in retrograde. This Uranian energy brings in a very intuitive and confident energy, making us more perceptive to stand and empower in our energy.

What To Expect

Gaining Clarity 

During this time it can bring a sense of connecting the dots in aspects of your life. Our perceptions on the world, the way we react to things, how we approach things. When we are able to reflect, it brings clarity and mental breakthroughs on certain aspects of ourselves and our life. With that being said, it is important to listen to your body and slow down when needed. Since this year has been very high energy and in a momentum of forward energy, sometimes we get too wrapped up in the day to day life. Wrapped up in major events in what’s happening around the world. When we are solely focused on other aspects in life and in the world, this brings a very frazzled energy. It is important to slow down to rest, to heal.

So many of us have gone through many changes in both our inner and outer worlds. It’s a lot of pressure, a lot to maintain and a lot to keep up in our subconscious mind. We have to give ourselves time for our  emotional and mental state to  catch up with all internal and external changes. Take this time to  rebalance, restruct and reground yourself. When we give ourselves time to relax, and regroup it can bring self introspective; as we rest, reflect and contemplate it  makes coming to breakthroughs very easy. The frequency of the earth is getting higher and now it’s time to change your life situation to your vibration. What is meant for you, will come into your life and what is not meant for you will leave. Clarity on what these are will come onward. 

Polarization Awareness 

It is pretty safe to say that the state of the world is unlike anything we have ever been through before. Over the last year and a half – two years the world is changing as we know it and the amount of polarization is at an all time high. What is polarization exactly? Polarization is the division into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs. The world as we know it is being separated and divided based upon their beliefs. It is important to not let this influence you, make sure you are looking at different perspectives and different approaches. Think for yourself, think outside the box and look and hold space for different perceptions. It is very important to avoid having black and white thinking, do not get pulled by the currents of being too far one way or the other. The thing is it’s never one perception or the other,  we all see the same things but are going about it in different ways. This is a time to  explore within ourselves to create balance and see other people’s perceptions without getting defensive and bring in more compassion. There is so much divide in the world, but the thing is. We are all connected, whether we like it or not. 

Change Is Coming  

The events that are happening around the world are definitely alarming, between the weather disasters, political changes, economic changes, lock downs and riots. Society is crumbling at our fingertips. Time is speeding up, time is going by fast. Has anyone else noticed how fast this last year has gone by? For some who are divinely guided and Initiative; they feel this change internally, in an emotional, mental and physical way. Something is going to happen, something is going to change. Life and the world as we know it has been slowly changing, but something big is going to happen and it is important to be prepared. The main way to be prepared is mental, emotional and spiritual because what we are going through right now is psychological war. A lot of people are coming to terms with what life they want to live, what reality they want out of life. Don’t let what is consuming the world, consume you. Focus on what you want your life to be, focus on your goals and aspirations, just be mentally prepared for any unexpected changes that may arise.

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